Minggu, 11 November 2007

malam yang sendu, sesendu orang yang lagi ndangdutan

Sbelumnya, gue mau bilang Selamat Hari Pahlawan, hai teman2 sebangsa dan setanah aer..(plok plok plok plok..)

Sebenernya kemaren prasaan gue rada ga keruan skarang..pasalnya (pasal 2 UU Reny nomer tujuh ribu pangkat dua kali lima) kemaren gue baru es em es an ama seseorang yg dulu pernah gue julukin Bruang..ga teu deh..ga bisa ngungkapin gimana prasaan gue..pertamanya sih ngrasa dag dig dug blalang kuncup..trakir2 ancur juga hati gue..huhuhuhu..kayak acara masak memasak di tipi2, “yak, ibu2, hatinya diiris tipis2 terlebih dahulu”..trakir2 malah jadi rada sebel..ni anak sotoy banget seeehhh..ah udah aah..ga mau ngurus lage..bikin (eceng) gondok gue aja..capek deeee…-_-!

Bole ga sih kalo kita benci ato dendam sama orang yg pernah nyakitin kita ? benernya sih emang ga bole..tapi kadang2 kalian juga pasti pernah punya bayangan2 jahat gitu terhadap orang yg jahatin kita..hayo, bener kan ? yah, misalnya aja kayak gue skarang..kadang2 di kpala gue terlintas skenario2 sadis gitu buat orang2 yg nyakitin gue sedemikian parah..contohnya kayak di bawah ini : (mungkin karna kebanyakan nonton horor sama film2 pembunuhan gitu kali ya..hehehehehehohohohohohahahahaha (ketawa setan))

skenario :

(kita sebut aja nama korban sakit hati gue adalah X)

X diiket di kursi listrik. matanya ditutup. bagian atasnya ngga pake baju, bagian bawah cuma pake kolor item..knapa harus item ? soalnya yg ijo udah dipake kolor ijo..trus gue bawa2 semprotan aer..nah, mulai deh disemprot dikit2..trus tegangan listriknya si kursi listrik diatur biar ga terlalu gede..abis gitu dinyalain deh tu kursi listrik..BBBZZZZTTTT..nah, diulang2 aja teros kayak gitu..owh, pasti nikmat banget nyaksiin si X kejet2 di kursi listrik kayak orang parkinson..apalagi kalo nontonnya sambil minum es jeruk en duduk di kursi goyang..sluuurrpp..suegeeerrrr..

setelah selesai, gue nunjuk ke dia sambil bilang : ”Sakit hati itu sangat menyakitkan, jendral !”, trus ketawa puas..

nggak kog..just kidding..heuehueheuhhueue..

btw, kemaren gue kan ke Plaza Marina ama temen kos gue nih..nah, di sana gue mau beli Bread Story..pas lagi milih2 roti, tiba2 gue liat dari balik tembok kaca (yang biasa ada di toko2 roti supaya kita bisa ngeliat gimana proses pembuatan rotinya) ada mas2 koki (kayak nama ikan) yang keknya lagi mau bikin roti. jadilah gue ngeliatin terus itu mas2..habis penasaran dia pengen bikin roti apa..gue ngeliat dia ngoles2in coklat gitu ke selembar roti yang bentuknya kotak..habis gitu gue plototiiinn (bukan plorotin) terus masnya. keknya dia nyadar gitu gue liatin en mungkin rada risih kali diliatin cewe dengan mupeng, jadinya dia cepet2 nyelesaiin pekerjaan oles mengolesnya itu tadi. abis gitu dia langsung balik badan, en ngambil selembar roti kotak lagi, trus ngloyor pergi sambil makan tu roti...........*cengok*.....*bengong*.....*pingsan*.....yo ampun, ternyata tu roti kotak setelah kusadari dengan otak sehatku dapat kuidentifikasikan sebagai ROTI TAWAR..jadi ternyata mas2 tadi lagi bikin cemilan buat dia sendiri gitu keknya..yeeeeeh, udah susah2 gue liatin dengan seksama ampe pake mikroskop (alat buat ngeliat kutil seseorang)..ternyata, oh, ternyata....ternyata roti itu enak..dan ternyata es krim itu dingin..dan ternyata gue imut banget..hahahahahaha..(yang muntah artinya sirik)..

3 komentar:

Joanne mengatakan...

cek sadise to yo!
nek aku seh isa sadis kalo ada org yg njuengkelin buangeeet pol!
nek sakit hati biasae ya nangis ae :P

btw...wes isa kasih background nich yee...:)
apik kok desaine blogmu

Oke mengatakan...

hmmm... there's time to forgive and forget...

and definitely, there's time to move on... let go, and let it all be a lesson for life.

why bother to get angry? just do the noble thing our Lord teaches us to do: forgive...

and if that reason alone can't make you do it, there's always another reason:

life is bigger than you or him, or you both. think not about your own feelings, but others surround you too.

if you want to waste your time feeling sorry bout what happened, it's your choice.

let go all your ego and anger. show him what he'd miss. show the world how you endured this pain, moved on, and became a better person because of it.

i'm saying this as a friend, not his friend, but YOURS. i know it's hard, i've been there. hope u'll find what you're looking for.


Bray mengatakan...

ga ada alternatif laen??
yg kaya di saw tu keren jg.. yg di tempat nyimpen daging trus disiram aer dikit2.. sampe pelan2 beku....
trus diolesin krim, coklat, meses, pisang, keju, kacang, karamel, jadi dah super scoop banana split...
asik jg buat makanan penutup abis makan steak kelinci pake saos jamur...myiohohohoho....

i want to say sorry, but i think that wouldn't be sufficient enough for you...
i just want you to know that it was hard for me too..
i often have you on my mind..
how do you do..
are you ok..
can you stand up..
can you go on..
i'm not expecting you to forgive me..
i know i have hurt you a lot..
i'm glad you have a good life now..

i'm sorry for last night..
it's because i can't face you..
i can't win arguing with you..
i don't want to win..
i'm really sorry but i have made up
my mind, and i decide to go to bali..
not to hurt you..
not to make you feeling bad..
not to ruin your holiday..
i realize it's not easy for me too..
to have you on my sight..
but i'll go for my friend..
to sing with them for the last time..
i just want to sing with them..
to sing with you too..
can't we be friend??

here's a song for you by akon

As life goes on I'm starting to learn more
and more about responsibility
I realize everything I do is
affecting the people around me
So I want to take this time out to
apologize for things I have done
And things that have not occurred yet
And the things they don't want
to take responsibility for

I'm sorry for the times I left you home
I was on the road and you were alone
I'm sorry for the times that I had to go
I'm sorry for the fact that I did not know
That you were sitting home just wishing we
Could go back to when it was just you and me
I'm sorry for the times I would neglect
I'm sorry for the times I disrespect

I'm sorry for the wrong things that I've done
I'm sorry I'm not always there for my son
I'm sorry for the fact that I'm not aware
That you can't sleep at night when I am not there
Because I am in the streets like everyday
Sorry for the things that I did not say
Like how you are the best thing in my world
And how I'm so proud to call you my girl

[ Bridge ]
I understand that there are some problems
And I am not too blind to know
All the pain you kept inside you
Even though you might not show
If I can apologize for being wrong
Then it's just a shame on me
I'll be the reason for your pain and
you could put the blame on me

[ Chorus ]
You could put the blame on me
Said you could put the blame on me
You could put the blame on me

and here's by yellowcard..

Broken this fragile thing now
And I can't, I can't pick up the pieces
And I've thrown my words all around
But I can't, I can't give you a reason

I feel so broken up (so broken up)
And I give up (I give up)
I just want to tell you so you know

Here I go, scream my lungs out and try to get to you
You are my only one
I let go, there's just no one that gets me like you do
You are my only, my only one

Here I go so dishonestly
Leave a note for you my only one
And I know you can see right through me
So let me go and you will find someone

thank you..
take care..